Monday, April 11, 2011

British girl

Beautiful british girl came to stay at the hotel I work at. oh yes I did get a stedy-ish job, finaly, after and hemming and hawing forever. She called me by name, melted my heart. I'm not sure what she thought of me though, as I started adopting the accent by the second sentance, everytime I talked to her.

1 comment:

  1. HIGH SLAPS! All around!

    It's hard not to adopt that accent, The British gentleman and his wife (American but thanks to him adopted it from time to time) I worked for last winter has now begun employing me again and I foresee slipping into that unnecessary bad-assery.

    And it being spoken by a lovely lass probably makes it fiddy times harder to resist.

    Congrats on the job ya ol' geezer squeezer.

    --Prof. Phinneus Flarnocerous the III, head of Crow Cognition and Vengeance research at the prestigious Pee Pee Nosejob University


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